
Admission Criteria

Admissions And Withdrawals

Pupils coming from other schools are requested to bring their transfer certificates from the school last attended.

On admission, the entrance fee, the special fee and tuition fee for the term should be paid. The fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Transfer Certificate will be given only on the production of a written application from the parent or authorised guardian.

A week´s notice in writing is required for the withdrawal of a pupil.

New pupils must be introduced personally by their parents or guardians who will be responsible for their regularity and payment of fees

Transfer Certificate will be issued only to those who have paid the fees and other dues.

Pupils leaving or joining the School in the middle of the term, must pay the term fees and other dues.

Entrusting a pupil to the School implies that parents agree to stand by the rules and regulations of the School. They are requested to see that the children also abide by School regulations.

Boys Girls Total
P.K.G 08 05 13
L.K.G 36 37 73
U.K.G 46 39 85
1st STD 55 42 97
2nd STD 58 42 100
3rd STD 68 47 115
4th STD 57 51 108
5th STD 67 51 126
6th STD 76 47 125
7th STD 85 66 151
8th STD 70 71 141
9th STD 46 56 102
10th STD 71 47 118
11th STD 39 39 78
12th STD 35 27 82
Total 827 676 1503